What is the purpose of the local church?
In America, you have a lot of worship styles, denominations and theology to choose from. Beyond the noise of all this though, God gives us a clear picture in His Word of what the church is supposed to be. It is more important to find out what God’s model for the church is, not what man’s model for a church service looks like. What is the purpose of the church? Who/What is the Church? Why is the church here and what should it be doing? These are probably the most important questions we can collectively ask and clearly find answers to in God’s Word.
In January of 2013, on the heals of the passing of our long-time Associate Pastor, Lynn Wheeler, the elders presented a clear message to the congregation at CBC about these questions. That 2013 message was delivered by Greg Sanford, one of our elders, and can be heard here in two parts. Please take the time to listen to this message in the player at the bottom of this page, as Greg reminds us all what church is and what it should be doing.
In January and February of 2015, we revisited this theme for the sake of renewing our minds to this biblical message of who we are as a church and what that means. These 10-15 minute mini-presentations by staff and elders are also in the playlist below. We encourage you to listen to each of them in order cast away the culture’s image of the church and look deeper into God’s image of the church.
YOU are the church. YOU are the ministers. God is calling YOU to believe His Word and obey it.
- Mar 1, 2015Teen Ministries
- Feb 22, 2015Children’s Ministries
- Feb 8, 2015Worship
- Feb 1, 2015Service
- Jan 25, 2015Outreach
- Jan 18, 2015Community
- Jan 11, 2015Discipleship
- Jan 4, 2015Purpose of the Church
- Jan 6, 2013The Purpose of the Local Church- Part 1
- Jan 6, 2013The Purpose of the Local Church- Part 2